Back Pain
Back pain key Facts
Back pain is one of the main reasons for disability in the world
About 4 million Australianβs have back problems
Back problems are least common in people aged 0- 24 years
Recent results by the World Vertebrology Foundation show that the intervertebral discs can self-regenerate and repair
What are the common causes of back pain?
Back pain may be a sign from your body that something is wrong and needs attention. How urgent that attention is required can depend on factors like how long the back pain has been there and how severe the back pain is. Rarely is there a single cause for back pain, with most people experiencing some form of back pain throughout their life. Common causes of back pain may include:
Repetitive work
Standing and sitting for long periods
Weight gain
What are the common related conditions of back pain?
Osteoporosis: A condition where the bones are much weaker and prone to fracture. Bone fracture is usually the first sign and repeated fractures can lead to long term pain. This condition also commonly occurs in the wrists and hips.
Sciatica: A severe pain down the back of the leg and into the feet, caused by compression of the sciatic nerve. Tingling may occur in the toes and in more severe cases weakness of the legs may occur. This condition is common.
Herniated disc: Also known as a slipped disc, this condition results when a rupture occurs at the disc between two spinal vertebrae. Symptoms can very from a constant dull ache to severe pain running down the leg.
Osteoarthritis: Commonly seen in the lowest part of the spine as it holds the weight from above. This form of arthritis can be age-related or linked with hard physical work. Typically a dull ache and morning stiffness are common.
What are common symptoms of back pain?
Leaning to the opposite side for relief
Inability to sit
Difficulty getting out of a chair
Constant ache
Loss of movement
Stabbing pain
Change in ability to walk
Pain at the base of the spine
Numbness, tingling or burning down the back of the leg
In extreme circumstances, if you experience the loss of bowel or bladder function as a result, seek IMMEDIATE medical assistance.
How can I prevent back pain?
You may be able to prevent back pain from improving your physical conditioning. Some ways to do this include:
Exercise: Light to moderate impact exercise can be very beneficial to you in order to build endurance and strength into the muscles that support your back. Swimming and walking are always a great place to start
Stretch: Try and stretch your hip flexor and lower back muscles. These can become tight and create a muscle imbalance resulting in pain. Yoga or similar stretching routines may be of benefit.
Strengthen: A strong core and gluteal muscle group are essential for prevention and a healthy back. Make sure these are working properly.
Sleep: Check the expiry date on your mattress and try sleeping on your side with a pillow between your knees. A good mattress and pillow will last 10 years.
Avoid: Twisting movement that may strain your back, use your body properly.
Chiropractic and back pain
β Moderate evidence suggests that chiropractic care for lower back pain appears to be equally effective as physical therapy.β[1] Chiropractic care may involve either traditional or gentle adjustments, soft tissue therapy to the lower back and rehabilitation exercises focused at stretching tight muscles and strengthening weaker muscles.
Need more help?
Would you like more information about back pain? Contact us and ask to speak to one of our friendly Chiropractors, risk free!
Quick Facts
We see patients from 0- 99 years of age, and use techniques to match. We can use techniques from gentle to very gentle if needed.
We encourage you to speak to us. We are of the belief that surgery should be used as a last resort and not a first.
If you are waking up with pain you might want to replace the mattress that you sleep on or at the least start sleeping on your side.
Blanchette, M. A., Stochkendahl, M. J., Borges Da Silva, R., Boruff, J., Harrison, P., & Bussières, A. (2016). Effectiveness and Economic Evaluation of Chiropractic Care for the Treatment of Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review of Pragmatic Studies. PloS one, 11(8), e0160037. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0160037
WHO welcomes discoveries in vertebrology for the treatment of low back pain
Back problems, What are back problems? - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (aihw.gov.au)